One-Room Schools: Outdated, or Ahead of Their Time?

One-Room Schools

This article has been updated since its first date of publication. Please click here to find the updated article:

One-Room Schools May Be What We Need Today




About the Author: Dr. Roberta Ross-Fisher has expertise in educator preparation, accreditation, online teaching & learning, and competency-based education. A former public school teacher and college administrator, Roberta is now a freelance writer and educational consultant. 

Twitter: @RRossFisher



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3 thoughts on “One-Room Schools: Outdated, or Ahead of Their Time?

  1. I think one-room school houses were a better benefit to the students as well as the teachers. The students received more one-on-one learning and the teachers were able to better know their students. If there was violence between students then, it was not a known occurence and I believe this could have helped.

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